Johns Creek Sedation Dentistry
Muccioli Dental is pleased to offer expert sedation dentistry as well as complete dental services for adults of all ages and children in Johns Creek and the surrounding areas. Our dentists, Dr. Lydia and Dr. Randy Muccioli, have received extensive training in sedation dentistry and are highly qualified to offer this unique service in the comfort of our dental office located in the Johns Creek Medical Pavilion. If you have a dental phobia or some other issue that makes it difficult to receive dental care, or if you are simply looking for a more pleasant dental experience, you may be a good candidate for oral conscious sedation dentistry. Give us a call today at (678) 389-9955 to get more information about sedation dentistry or to find out if it is right for you.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral conscious sedation involves the use of oral sedative medications to produce a relaxed, sleep-like state. Under oral conscious sedation, patients are not unconscious and can still follow simple commands. They are, however, in a state of “twilight sleep” where the sensations of pain and anxiety are reduced or eliminated. In some cases, patients may not remember their treatment at all. For many individuals, the use of oral sedative medications makes for a much more pleasant and less stressful dental experience.
Oral conscious sedation is a good option for patients with severe dental phobias, severe gag reflexes or who have difficulty getting numb. It can also be a good option for patients with developmental disabilities or medical issues that make it difficult to receive dental care. Lastly, oral conscious sedation can be used when a patient requires extensive restorative dental work. Using oral sedative medications allows for the completion of several dental procedures in just one dental appointment.
Non Sleep Sedation Dentist
If you are looking for a dentist in Johns Creek who offers non sleep sedation, please contact our office today. Our dental practice offers comprehensive dental care for adults of all ages as well as children, so you can count on us to provide all the dental care you need for your entire family. We look forward to serving you with expert, patient-centered dental care.